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A Radio & Television Online Broadcasting Course


To enroll in our Radio & Television Announcers' Online Communications course, you will naturally need a computer with a camera and a microphone. Our course is online via Zoom. We will enform all those who enroll of the date and time the course will commence.

If you have that, or intend to do that, then just click the payment button of your choice below. The cost is now only BDS $225.00 per month for 3 months, (with Paypal's transaction fee, it will show as USD $115.91). If you prefer, payment may also be facilitated via online banking. Email us at: cirbroadcastinginc@gmail.com for our Bank details.

If enrolling online, via Paypal, after you send your payment, please remember to click the "Details" link, then select "Confirm Receipt". That is HIGHLY important!

If you decide to enroll, after you complete your transaction of BDS$225.00 (USD $115.91 with transaction fee), you will be taken to the page where you can download your enrollment form. Just fill in the info and email it to us at cirbroadcastinginc@gmail.com. Only one month's payment is made via PayPal/credit card at this website, unless you select the "Pay in Full" button at the bottom of the page. After you send your payment, please remember to click the "Details" link, then select "Confirm Receipt".

N.B. If you have already enrolled in our course and want to make your next monthly payment, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the "Monthly Payment" button.

If you have not yet enrolled, and you do so now, then as soon as the next course is ready to begin we will contact you and give you the commencement date and time. Then all you have to do is wait and we will connect everyone up before 6.00 PM (Barbados time) on the commencement date. Each class runs from 6.00 PM to 8.00 PM Barbados time.

Our students receive professional International announcer training, and at the end of the course they are tested on authentic announcers' audition scripts. We GUARANTEE that anyone
who enrolls and faithfully follows this course will have no trouble passing an announcer's audition test in any Radio or television station in the world.

Try reading our shortened Audition Test below:

Hi! My name is.....(Your Name).............................................. This is my Announcer's Audition Recorded on .....(Date).....

Anyone who has the desire to be a Broadcaster, must certainly enjoy and appreciate Music, News & Current Affairs, and have the ability to speak
their language fluently. More important than high academic qualifications, a Broadcaster must have a good measure of plain 'common sense,' and
be genuinely interested in Broadcasting. A pleasant voice and the ability to read well are obviously necessary. Most voices that are used with
sincerity, from a mind not puffed-up with vanity and haughtiness, are usually found to be quite pleasant.

That's my Audition Test.

If you think you've done it well and would like to enroll now, just click the button below. After you send your payment, please remember to click the
"Details" link, then select "Confirm Receipt".


If you prefer to pay for the course in full on line, for a discount of BDS $30.00, just click the button below. (The bill will be for USD $332.00 (which with your BDS $30.00 discount is BDS $645.00, plus PayPal's transaction fee of BDS $19.00 = BDS $664.00). After you send your payment, please remember to click the "Details" link, then select "Confirm Receipt".

For those who have already enrolled in our online course, you may make your next payment of BDS $225.00 here. (With Paypal's transaction fee of BDS $6.82, it will show as USD $115.91). Just click the button below. REMEMBER: After you send your payment, please rememeber to click the "details" link, then select, "Confirm receipt." That is HIGHLY important!

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